Thursday, April 1, 2010

Overrated Restaurants

Hi Vegas Experts,

Need some advice regarding restaurants.

I just came back from a quick, relatively unplanned trip and going back in June. Looking for restaurants that are really worth the money.

Been to Olives in the past and found the food decent but overpriced and not really worth it.

Not looking for Seafood restaurants or buffets....anything else goes on the strip, cheap to expensive.

I%26#39;ve checked out the restaurants on TA and read as many reviews as my small brain can take. So, any extra help is much appreciated.

Thanks so much!!!

Overrated Restaurants

overrated, here on TA - in my opinion

ellis island - just awful cut of beef, dirty, dark setting

peppermill - can you say cardiac arrest, huge portions does NOT mean good food

grand lux - it%26#39;s a fine coffee shop chain, nothing more

margaritaville%26#39;s volcano nachos - more mediocre toppings on bagged chips is just more mediocre toppings - quantity is not better than quality

Overrated Restaurants

Overrated and not worth the wait is Burger Bar at Mandalay Bay. I just don%26#39;t get it.

IMO it has to Mon Ami Gabi. Everyone goes crazy about the fact that it has a view of the fountains. And that%26#39;s really what you are paying for.

Don%26#39;t get me wrong, there%26#39;s nothing wrong with it, but people act like it%26#39;s a top quality restaurant and it was never intended to be. There are some excellent French restaurants in LV but MAG is not really one of them.

also MAG, In and Out, casa di amore, TOW, any buffet, fatburger

I agree with above reviews of Olives (though we thought the food was awful) and Mon Ami Gabi. We sat inside at Mon Ami Gabi - it was mobbed and the noise was deafening. Couldn%26#39;t wait to get out of there.

Overrated? Anyplace that wants you to dress up, dazzle you with it%26#39;s looks/reputation to keep your attention away from their mediocre food.

Most restaurants in Vegas have their menu%26#39;s online. I always check to make sure the menu has some things I know I will like and then check other peoples reviews. If everything looks good I will try it.

Sometimes I will ask people leaving the place if they liked the food.

B%26amp;B at the Venetian. Over priced, salty mediocre food due to the Matali name.

Sorry...meant Batali name .

Prime %26amp; Olives at Bellagio

Delmonico. Really, really mediocre and we were treated like they were doing us a favor by waiting on us. I have had fantastic meals at Emeril%26#39;s restaurants in New Orleans and was hoping for something similar. No dice. I also found Canaletto to be underwhelming.

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