Thursday, April 8, 2010

Zumanity - Love it or Hate it?

I was wondering what those of you who have seen Zumanity thought. Do you love it? Do you hate it? Please tell me why.

Thank you!

Zumanity - Love it or Hate it?

saw it years ago when it first opened....DH and I loved it. Then sent my brother and his wife and they HATED it - yes, an all caps HATE!

It is a very unique kind of show.

Zumanity - Love it or Hate it?

It was just ok. Not the usual cirq show. It was not as risque as they make it out to be in all the ads. If you do decide to go get a drink at the bar there they are great.

We saw it a few years ago. I would say that we liked it a lot. I liked Mystere more than Zumanity and O less.

It could hae been sexier and more risque. I thought overall it was very good but just not as great as it could be.

Thanks for the replies. My husband and I will be in LV in August for the first time and we couldn%26#39;t decide on what show to see. I want to see Zumanity but my sister suggested that I find out what people thought first and she told me to check out this forum.

Loved it! DH and I had seats in one of the couches which are right next to the stage. It was a blast being so close to the action and seeing the performers up close.

last on my list of choices for Cirque shows....if I want bodies, I prefer Jubilee, if I want Cirque, all the other choices are better.

And if you choose to book it, go with an open mind, as it has much in the way of alternative lifestyle overtones.

We saw it a few years ago. I would say that we liked it a lot. I liked Mystere more than Zumanity and O less.

It could hae been sexier and more risque. I thought overall it was very good but just not as great as it could be.

Not often I get to cut and paste a comment because it was my view also!

Hated it. Loved Love, Mystery and O but didn%26#39;t care for Zumanity. Want nudity see Jubilee or go to a strip bar. Cheaper and more fun.

Both my husband and I hated it. We are Cirque fans, having seen all in Vegas and then some traveling shows. Zumanity was the worst, by far.

Mrs. G

We liked Zumanity, because it was different. When we bought the tickets the guy at the ticket counter said, ';go with an open mind';. WE did and liked it. We have seen Mystre, O, Love and Zumanity. We really liked Mystre, then O, Zumanity might come before Love??? It was a close call for me.

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