Saturday, April 3, 2010

TR - MGM, Drinking, Poker, Drinking, Ka, Drinking...

Backround: I took my best friend, Jelly Belly to Vegas for his 27th birthday from 3/20 - 3/24 due to the great rates i was able to get ($79 for Fri %26amp; Sat, $59 for Mon %26amp; Tue). I was there last July for my 30th b-day and talked about it so much, he decided he wanted to pop his vegas cherry for his b-day. The two of us in Vegas had trouble written all over it...will post rest as a reply.

TR - MGM, Drinking, Poker, Drinking, Ka, Drinking...

Can%26#39;t wait to hear more of your TR

TR - MGM, Drinking, Poker, Drinking, Ka, Drinking...

Hope you had a blast!

I%26#39;m guessin%26#39; you did some drinkin%26#39; lol

Day One:

Flight out of Jacksonville left at 6:30 am so we headed to the airport at 4:30 am with a little over an hour of sleep. Before we left, I told JB to pack the toiletries in his checked luggage. Did he listen? Nope. So u gessed it, had to ';donate'; about $40 in unused toiletries to the TSA. Not even in Vegas yet and already down!! (I think the TSA collects these items and at the end of the year they give them to their families as Christmas gifts). Had a layover in Memphis and arrived in Vegas around 11:30.

While JB was waiting for the luggage, I decided to check in at the MGM in the airport. No lines and in 5 min I had the keys to room 28-404 in my hand. High floor with a view, close to the elevators and the best part it was ready. Even though the airport was dead, the taxi line was the longest I%26#39;d seen. About a 25 minute wait and off to the MGM, but first had to stop and get beer.

JB eyes were the size of saucers when he%26#39;d seen the ';Green Monster'; from a distance and only grew bigger as we got closer. Paid the taxi cab driver and walked right up to the room with luggage in tow. Dropped of the luggage and headed to the poker room. Prior to our trip, we decided to pool our poker winnings to use for spending money at night. This would come back and haunt me...

I won%26#39;t put you to sleep and explain every poker hand; only the highlights. We bought in for $100 and sat on a 1-2 No Limit table. A few hours passed and I was down, JB was up to $300. He went all in with a straight and some knuckle head called with a draw. The knuckle head hit the one card on the river to give him the higher straight to take down the pot. JB was pissed and to a walk to cool off. Half an hour later I went all-in with $35 pre flop and just about everyone called. My little pocket 5%26#39;s gave me a straight and I took down the $300 pot and left. Gave JB his $100 buy in back, took my buy in back and that left us with an extra $100 towards booze for the night. This would not be close to enough.

Went back to the room to shower, change and figure out our game plan for the night. JB wanted to do the rides on top of the Strat so thats where we headed via monorail at the MGM. Got off at the Sahara and decided to try the coaster there. Pretty good ride for $10. Had a BOGO for the buffet there too so we decided to try it out. We%26#39;re not picky eaters so I figured how bad can it be? Man were we wrong. I did some pretty stupid things in vegas and this was the worst by far.

Walked over to the Strat, bought tickets to all three rides for $25 and headed up the elevator. The view is awsome!! First ride we went on was X-Scream; which is the teeter-totter over the side. As we%26#39;re waiting in line the only thing I was thinking about is how pissed off the person in front of me is going to be when they%26#39;re picking off pieces of the Sahara buffet out of their hair. I was able to hold everything down for all three rides and its something I can cross off my bucket list. Overall, the anticipation is more scary the the rides itself, but worth to do at least once.

Took the monorail back to Harrah%26#39;s to check out Carnival Court. We read a little about it before the trip and decided it was worth checking out. The line was long so JB held our place in line while I got drinks. I asked him what he wanted and he said you decide. Big mistake!!! While waiting in line I noticed all the yard drinks and asked someone the price. $25 for long islands. Not bad I thought. So I got one for me and JB. Met JB in line and he just shook his head and said we%26#39;re in for a long night. We finally made it in Carnival Court and man was this place jumping. Awsome live band, great crowd and the best part was the bartenders! If you have not been, you MUST go!! The tricks they do (flair) was amazing!! After the first round of LIT%26#39;s I started getting tired. Looked down at my watch and it%26#39;s only 11:30! We decided it was time for Jager bombs. Three shots a piece into it we both felt alot better. Another yard of LIT%26#39;s please!! Met great people there and closed the place down at 3am. By this time we each had a few more yards in us and decided to walk down to O%26#39;sheas.

What a mistake...

Great start! Can%26#39;t wait to read more!

keep it comin

They have $25 yard LIIT%26#39;s at Carnival Court?????!!!!!



thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!

So we headed down the street to O%26#39;shea%26#39;s. This is not a long walk, but when you are seemingly trying to avoid twice as many people due to the 12 yards of LIT%26#39;s in my stomache, it took more time than it should. Walked around O%26#39;shea%26#39;s and found out they had a poker tournement starting. We each bought in for $45...I think.

Sorry, but it gets kind of blurry from here. We sat at different tables and I%26#39;m trying to do my best to keep my head from looking like a bobble head figure. Look down at my hand and noticed I was looking at two pair. Huh? Told the dealer he miss delt me and I have four cards not two. It was then I realized the two cards looked like four due to the wonderful bartenders at Carnival Court! I was out of the tournement with in a few hands and no money left in my pocket. Stumbled over to JB to see how much money he had. $35. What am I going to do with $35!

Oh yeah, I%26#39;m at O%26#39;shea%26#39;s!! Off to the $5 craps table. Played the pass line with odds for a hour and was up to $450! Love O%26#39;Shea%26#39;s! Decided to walk over to JB and see how he was doing but he wasn%26#39;t there. Figured he took a pee break so headed back to the craps table. Another hour passes and I%26#39;m down to $250 and decided to find JB and go home ahead. But cant find JB anywhere! Take out my cell and realize its dead. Oh sh*t! Lost JB our first night here!! Decide to head back to the MGM via monorail only to find out when I fianlly get there its closed. Being in my alter state of mind I failed to realize I could%26#39;ve waited another 30 minutes and they would be opening back up again. Feet to tired to walk all the way back to the MGM, so I took a cab.

Made it back to the room and expected to see JB in bed, but nope. Found my phone charger and gave him a call...nothing. Called again...nothing. Third time I finally gotten through. He%26#39;s downstairs in the casino looking for me and about 35 minutes he comes back to the room. JB got losted inside the belly of the ';green monster';. By now its around 7:30 saturday morning and we%26#39;ve been up since 8:00 Thursday morning...time for bed.

I%26#39;m going to do my best to remember the rest of this trip...

Sorry that%26#39;s not ';12 yards'; its 12 feet...

This is good.... ;)

I%26#39;m still laughing at the 2-pairs incident...

More! More! More!

lol at the 2 pair, and getting lost inside the green monster!

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