Saturday, April 3, 2010

What kind of wardrobe to take along? Dress code question.

Headed to Vegas from the frozen tundra on Easter Sunday. We have some shows booked - Mystere and Tony n Tina%26#39;s wedding.

Dress code?

Are jeans and a nice shirt okay for guys?

Are capris and and a nice top suitable for ladies?

What kind of wardrobe to take along? Dress code question.

The only places in Vegas with strictly enforced dress codes are clubs. Some upscale restaurants suggest dress codes but in reality so long as you%26#39;re reasonably presentable you%26#39;ll be ok and won%26#39;t feel out of place.

Regarding shows just wear what you%26#39;re comfortable in. You%26#39;ll see just about everything from tuxedos to those who look as though they%26#39;ve come direct from the pool. The clothes you describe will be more than acceptable. Be aware that the air conditioning can be up quite high in some theaters and it can be a little chilly.

What kind of wardrobe to take along? Dress code question.

Hi Beachnut: heading out on Easter Sunday….lucky dog. Can you believe it is going to snow this week in SW Ontario? Dress codes have changed a lot in Vegas. As Blagger mentioned, you need to dress up for the clubs but for other shows, dress like you’re going out for a casual dinner. We still bring one dress outfit for a fancy dinner but shows are casual.

Have fun and what hotel are you staying at?

Almost everything in Vegas is casual- shows, casinos and restauarnts. Some people like to dress up a bit at night but most don%26#39;t. If you are going to an expensive restaurant you will find that more people do dress up a bit- but even then you don%26#39;t have to overdo it. I have worn a black skirt/slacks and a silk top and I never felt as if I were inappropriately dressed.

Just remember- the forecast can change in Vegas-even while you are there -so always bring some clothes that can be layered- just in case. Plus, even in the summer when the temps can go over 110, some people wear a sweater or light wrap because they feel the casinos are too cool (I am not one of them).

We%26#39;ve been to both of those shows and what you mentioned would be just fine. We like to dress up a little more since we consider it our night out, but plenty of people were wearing just what you mentioned.

Have fun!

Thank you all for your advice. I appreciate it.

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