Thursday, April 8, 2010

what happened to the rest of BRguy's TR??

I was reading this TR, but got to page 13 and couldn%26#39;t get any further. I didn%26#39;t see any other postings, so what happened? Geez, this was a really funny TR too. I%26#39;d like to read the rest of it.


what happened to the rest of BRguy's TR??

He%26#39;s not finished... just keep watching....

what happened to the rest of BRguy's TR??

Oh,LOL okay. Thanks Low. Gee I thought something was wrong with my %26#39;puter.


I think he%26#39;s going to finish it or at least add another installment on Monday. If we are lucky, maybe it will be tomorrow. ;-)

what happened was that Little BRguy woke up...

I would guess Mini BRguy has a great deal to do with the delay...from what I read in the TR he has lost time to make up for.

(sound of a tapping foot...)

LOL, you guys are great.

I am trying hard to finish, I will try and get Day 2 done by the end of the weekend.

Seems I get more writing done during work than home :)


Let minibrguy have his time with the mrs. She sure deserves it. Mini needs his time too. lol Mini knows what%26#39;s good for the body he%26#39;s attached to.

Looking forward to more of the TR. This is just great reading. You oughta write a book on this one. lol I love the little antecdotes and how Mini guy has his say too. Keep big guy in check. Keep it comin.

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