Thursday, April 8, 2010

CP Pool Cabanas

Hi all...I have been reading these boards faithfully during the planning of our Vegas Adventure! We will be at CP from Apr 20-25.

We were thinking about spending one day by the pools, and b/c of the construction and limited seating, may be considering renting a cabana.

Anyone know how much these are, and whether or not they are worth the $$??



CP Pool Cabanas

We paid $250 but that was in Nov 07 @ the Venus Pool - here is the info from CP website - give them a call directly:

';For cabana, day bed and outdoor spa reservations, please call Leisure Concierge at (702) 731-7731 or (877) 346-4642, or visit the Leisure Concierge desk in the front lobby.';

CP Pool Cabanas

yes, as is noted, you need to contact CP.

As to ';worth'; that is always subjective. We think nice cabanas at nice properties are worth every penny, you may not. Look into costs and amenities and decide if it works for you.

Almost always when we are in LV business is conducted - LV is not a vacation destination for us. Having the privacy of a cabana with phone, internet, TV, food and beverages is wonderful.

Yeah, the cabanas are great but when it costs almost double the room cost, you gotta scratch your head as to the logic of this. We have had them many times @ the Venus pool %26amp; in the summer, it is the only way you can stay @ the pool from 9 AM until 5 PM and the cost is a lot less than hanging in the Casino for 8 hours. Ok, that%26#39;s my logic %26amp; I%26#39;m sticking to it. Also, several years ago, the Cabanas @ CP offered chaises that were wooden or metal with very nice cushions - a nice sold chaise. Anyone with a bad back couldn%26#39;t sit on the plastic crappy ones around the pools but I believe they have since moved some of the nicer chaises around the pools %26amp; cut back on the plastic crappy ones to some extent.

Thanks for the responses!

It does seem like a lot of money...and we%26#39;re not really high rollers to begin with!!

We%26#39;ll check it out when we get there.

Countdown is rolling on...we leave two weeks tomorrow!!!


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