Saturday, April 3, 2010

MGM rooms

Can someone tell me where the Grand Tower and West Wing rooms are?

Or is there a map of the hotel I can see online somewhere?

Friends were there last year and their room was miles from the casino. It was an upgrade and a beautiful room but they said it was way to far to walk to get anywhere.


MGM rooms

That%26#39;s a map of the property.

The West Wing rooms are in fron facing Las Vegas Blvd. They are the closest to the street. This was the old Marina Hotel. They added the Grand Towers to that.

This is one of the largest hotels in the world, So if you have a room at the far end of the east wing, you could be very far from the casino!

MGM rooms

Here%26#39;s a pic:

The Towers are the larger complex with the ';MGM'; and ';Grand'; written on it, that also cascades down to the front, where the West Wing rooms are. Those cascading down are called the Terrace Suites.

Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for.

I think our friends were ';upgraded'; to one of the towers.

Where are the Bungalow Suites generally located? Are there any with strip views?

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