Thursday, April 8, 2010

';limited view'; seats for mystere and O....

I%26#39;m trying to buy tickets for either mystere or O and I don%26#39;t know which seats are okay. Are limited view seats really that bad? Why are they limited view? Also any suggestions on ';good'; seats for both.. I%26#39;ve heard sitting close doesn%26#39;t always mean the seats are the best...

Thanks for your help!

';limited view'; seats for mystere and O....

I have not seen Mystere but for ';O'; the limited views are not bad. In the ';O'; theatre limited view either means there is a railing that could obstruct your view (usually only if you are of short stature) or part of the stage is obscured by the angle. The first time I saw this show we had a limited view seat that was in the second row on the far left. A small part of the stage was obscured by the curtain but we were able to see great detail in the costumes and facial expressions.

';limited view'; seats for mystere and O....

Check out travelzoo for show deals

thanks for letting me know about the deals on travelzoo I%26#39;m definately booking a show I just don%26#39;t know which seats to purchase! Help!


Check out the link below for a post that might be of help with your question. :)


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