Thursday, April 8, 2010

If you had to open a new hotel in Vegas ......

what would the theme be?

If you had to open a new hotel in Vegas ...... topic! I think I%26#39;ll steal my idea from the movie ';A Night at the Roxbury'; and do an ';outside in'; hotel. Have couches and inside stuff outside for people to sit on, and have all the rooms have an ';outdoors'; theme. I would provide beds and stuff inside, but maybe use things like live plants and balconies to make it feel more like outside.

If you had to open a new hotel in Vegas ......

I%26#39;d theme it after a great European city...Italian or French...oh wait....

Superheroes! I would call it '; Metropolis';. An ancient Greek/ Hellenistic theme would be cool too.

See also:


I%26#39;d do a Vegas theme.

Slot machines.

Craps tables.

Sexy cocktail waitresses.

Lots of glitz and lights.

A buffet.

I%26#39;d make it very tall and circular. And give it pretty colors of orange and amber.... maybe from the other end of the strip it would look like a huge Long Island Ice Tea!

LMAO Lowrence! I should have known what your idea would be!

Hmmm.. I%26#39;d either go with a haunted house theme... or something politically motivated.. have left a left wing and a right wing... and see where the ';moderates'; end up! OR Disney!!

ok... seriously...

I%26#39;d go with another country theme... like Hungary, Australian or South African....I think it%26#39;d be cool to see a lot more of a world showcase on the strip!

Haha, I%26#39;d love to see that Superheroe idea. I%26#39;d stay there every single time

Left wing and right wing! LMAO!!! What if one side filled up and you were forced to bunk in with the other side?? Oh, the conversations at the front desk would be priceless!

';I%26#39;m not staying with those Bible bangers!.';

';D#$m Liberals!!!!';

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