Saturday, April 3, 2010

Vegas to VoF

My husband and I are flying into Vegas at 9 p.m. on May 13th where we will then be driving toward UT after we pick up our rental car.

We want to visit the Valley of Fire first thing in the a.m. on the 14th before driving on to Zion NP.

Can anyone recommend a good hotel between Vegas and VoF??

Thanks in advance.

Vegas to VoF

From Las Vegas to VoF is 60-65 miles. You have a choice of routes. One is I-15, and there is absolutely nothing once you leave the city until Mesquite. North Las Vegas toward the edge of the city limits has a few motels, but not the kind most folks would recommend for tourists, YKWIM.

The alternative is Lake Mead Blvd. east out of town, which becomes North Shore Road. In the daytime, it is very scenic and beautiful; at night, all cats are gray. Along this road is Echo Bay Marina, a resort on the edge of Lake Mead. It gets mixed reviews here, but I%26#39;ve stayed there several times and I like it. The lakeview rooms will give you a sunrise view of the lake and they all have patios. The restaurant also has a lake view. I was last there in December and they didn%26#39;t open until 11:00 a.m., but this might change in spring.鈥ndex-ip.htm

Valley of Fire is near the town of Overton, which has a Best Western and a couple of small indies, but this may be farther than you want to go for the night. The Best Western there is called ';North Shore,'; but it is nowhere near the lake.

If you have time, Overton also has the Lost City Museum, which focuses on the archaeology of local Anasazi sites inundated by the damming of the Colorado and the formation of Lake Mead.

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