Thursday, April 8, 2010

what hotel

T I or Mirage ?

what hotel

depends on what your looking for? I%26#39;ve stayed at both...

Mirage has a nice pool, beautiful gardens...etc.

TI has a great room, comfortable beds, good atmosphere...

what hotel

Mirage is the superior property in just about every category but that%26#39;s not to say that TI should be dismissed. Would need to know what rates you%26#39;re looking at in order to offer advice on which would be the better pick.

A little about who%26#39;s going on the trip and when it will be taking place would be useful too.

Blaggers right, more infor and difference in rates would help.

It might help you to know that both hotels were built by Steve Wynn. Mirage was built as a luxury hotel 20 years ago. A few years after that TI was built as a more economical version for those who didn%26#39;t want to pay the rates at Mirage. And the original name of the hotel was Treasure Island at the Mirage.

Rooms are nice in both, TI wins for better and larger bathroom, Mirage wins for more and better dining options and better pool. It%26#39;s really a toss up, it depends on what is important to you personally in a hotel/casino.

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