Thursday, April 8, 2010

april 17-20, high price- why?

I have been watching flights for a couple weeks waiting for last minute deal and they have not dropped yet, is there something going on that weekend or what?

april 17-20, high price- why?


( national association of broadcasters convention- usually the second or third biggest of the year but may be a bit quieter this year from what i have heard from people in the industry)

april 17-20, high price- why?

did search, we were there last year at that time- should have some last minute deals!

Also, I think there just aren%26#39;t as many last minute deals anymore. As you approach a date, it just keeps going up.

FEI World Cup Finals on 04/15 to 04/19.

Check out the link below to see other events in Las Vegas.

Check out the link below to see conventions in April in Las Vegas.;SEARCH_PARAM_startMonth=4%26amp;SEARCH_PARAM_startDay=24%26amp;SEARCH_PARAM_startYear=2009%26amp;SEARCH_PARAM_endMonth=4%26amp;SEARCH_PARAM_endDay=27%26amp;SEARCH_PARAM_endYear=2009%26amp;SEARCH_PARAM_convCenters_ARR=View+All%26amp;SEARCH_TYPE=conventionCalendar%26amp;SEARCH_PARAM_orderByDate=true

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