Monday, December 12, 2011

When Should We Book Our Grand Canyon Tour?

We%26#39;re in Vegas in June.

Should we book our Grand Canyon trip online before we leave or is there any advantage in waiting until we get there?

We%26#39;re probably going to go with Scenic but I mailed them with a question the other day and I%26#39;ve had no reply yet. You%26#39;d think with a recession going on they%26#39;d be a bit quicker off the mark. I%26#39;m sure there%26#39;ll be other tour company%26#39;s happy to take our cash!!


When Should We Book Our Grand Canyon Tour?

Its much better to book in advance so you can secure your seats early and plan your Vegas day much better also. I would e-mail Scenic again if you are interested in taking an air tour to Grand Canyon with them. If not, try another air tour company such as Maverick Airlines, or Vision. Beware that Vision doesnt get many good reviews on here or some other sites, mainly because they make customers wait in their N. Las Vegas airport for a while sometimes. Just a heads up. Whichever you choose, make sure your air tour or even a bus tour goes to the South Rim, where the National Park is. Dont be duped into going to the much closer to Vegas West Rim, especially if you have never been to the Grand Canyon. Good luck!

When Should We Book Our Grand Canyon Tour?

If you know who you want to use and which tour you want to take, then you should book ASAP. There are only so many seats available and in these tougher economic times the providers will only fly if they have profitable bookings. So there may likely be fewer tours available and you could be shut out.

Listen to chocopenguin. He knows his stuff.

I think you can wait and book once you arrive. I have never been in LV with someone who wanted to fly over and couldn%26#39;t make last minute arrangements. The pricing is the same - coupons are readily available. Unless they offered you a substantial discount for booking ahead I would wait and decide on timing once the rest of my itinerary was firmed up.

Are you talking overnight in the GC? If yes, then of course ahead of time for June. You don%26#39;t say so I am thinking a few hours tour. Which tour - that matters.

I%26#39;m finding the canyon tour so hard to chose. we only have 2 nights in vegas and my mum MUST go to the canyon on a tour but am worried that seding her on the shorter west rim will be a mistake, but don%26#39;t have too much time to send her on a day trip to the south rim.

this is one of those situations where we don%26#39;t have the time, can%26#39;t make more time but it is a must for her to see.

we live in central australia with amazing landscape so is of great interest to her.

wouldn%26#39;t it be great if holidays had unlimited times!

with limited time a helo tour to the west rim is fine. yes, the south rim is better - since your mum won%26#39;t be comparing them side-by-side she will be blown away by the west rim. it is majestic. not a bus - a plane to the airport run by the Indians (my mind is fried now, been a long 24 hr, the name escapes me, doesn%26#39;t matter the tour companies know where they are going!)and then helo. If she doesn%26#39;t like helos then the bus from the airport - the lunch is knd of tacky, so know that.

with only 2 days spending 4 hours seeing the west rim is a wise decision.

Bridgefan, thanks for that you have eased my mind. i will send her on a west rim tour.

i remember being so amazed by the canyon that i couldn%26#39;t take it in as real, it was more like looking at photos. she will love it, and we%26#39;ll go back on one of bi-annual trips when the kids are bigger.

i love that i married a american guy, i can to constantly plan my trips back

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