Monday, December 12, 2011

criminal convictions

I have booked up to go to vegas in April.I have just found out that if you have a criminal conviction you might need to apply for a visa to enter the U.S.I got caught drink driving last month and was handed a 12 month disqualification would i still need to apply for a visa.

Please do not think that i am a lout from the uk as i was caught the day after a night out and i thought i was perfectly ok to drive.That is my only ever run in with the law.Please could somebody give some advice.

criminal convictions

Hi, the new regulation is that if you have a criminal conviction gained through a court of law you need a visa. You can look on the US Embassy website for the details - it is causing all sorts of confusion.

criminal convictions

I think that the drunk driving conviction gets you VIP passes to bars in Vegas.

Come on over !

yuo def do need a visa, my b/f had a 4 week ban for a cumulation of points ( speed cameras!!!) and he has an appointment next week at the us embassy in London to get his visa. you should see all the paperwork needed!!!

Regrettably the information you have about needing a visa is definitely correct. I have just had a letter through from my tour operator for a holiday later in the year to Hawaii and LV which contains the following:-

The visa waiver programme is not valid for anyone who has ever been arrested (even if criminal prosecution did not result), has a criminal record.....

I certainly wouldn%26#39;t expect your drink/drive ban to stop you travelling but I wouldn%26#39;t hang about in trying to arrange the visa. The US embassy isn%26#39;t noted for speedy action.


dont believe the replies.Ive owned property in florida for 15 years and visit the states at least 4 times a year. Unfortunately i got a conviction for GBH some ten years ago for protecting a group of kids on a football trip from some bouncers. I have never had a problem entering the states even under the new regime introduced in october. People should read the visa waiver programme properly and this will reassure you as to what you legally need to declare to qualify for entry eg, being a drug baron,terrorist etc.

Going to the embassy will be a wasted and time consuming trip.

If i get refused entry in march i will let you know. I even got detained in november at random by customs and did not have a problem.

I have heard many comments like the one from Paulo. Even something to the effect that the US immigration authorities don%26#39;t have access to UK files. Whether that is true or not I don%26#39;t know. I would guess that the likelihood of being caught is probably low, but is it worth the risk. If you do get caught you will in all probability not only get kicked out this time round but be banned from the states in future as well.

Lego - just to be safe, and have the correct information, contact the US Consulate or embassy. You don%26#39;t want to get hear and be sent back or have anything mess your vacation up - No Before you Go!!!

Hey paulo260 how did it go with us customs. My mate has a caution from last year and we havent got enough time to get him a visa. should he just answer no to the question on the waiver form asking if he ever been arrested?

Just a quick question, though it may be stupid! I would imagine this would apply to Canadians as well? I have a 21 year old son who was disqualified for driving while intoxicated two years ago (I think he was switched with my REAL baby at birth:) and though recently got his license back, I would like him to visit Vegas with us sometime in the next year or so. Just wondering!

Wouldn%26#39;t it be null and void as in British law if the conviction was over 10 years old.

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