Monday, December 12, 2011

Casino Rate or special offer

I had booked my room through a promo code my DH was emailed b/c he sometimes grambles in AC and Vegas. The room was a pretty good deal, 4 nights came to less than $400 at the MGM. The other day I saw a special offer for 2 free cocktails at the pool, $20 slot play, 2 daily buffets, and some other things. The rate came to about $400 a night as well. My question is what is better, to go with a special offer or stay with the casino offer? I did not know what is more likely to get an upgrade and comps. Thanks.

Casino Rate or special offer

Did you check or Paying close to $400 for 4 nights seems high to me, you should be able to do better than that I%26#39;d think. When are you planning on being in Vegas?

Casino Rate or special offer

We will be there from April 23-27th. I used to find this rate.

sorry last post had a typo....used

Go with whatever is cheaper.

recently there%26#39;s been plenty of special offers all over the place and most of these are the cheaper, especailly with the added extra%26#39;s, like the MGM%26#39;s offer recently. i booked a night there in june myself, its not that i needed the room just that with the free buffets cocktails and $20 credit the room would be free. the only way you can beat that now is if they pay you to stay...

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