Monday, December 12, 2011

Best $3.84 spent

So if you%26#39;re like me and hate 6/5 21 payouts, here is a link for a ';say no to 6/5';.

I wear it at times to show my support when i%26#39;m in vegas.

I always fist my say no to 6/5 brothers in vegas.

Best $3.84 spent

glad you like it, if you do that%26#39;s all that matters.

I wouldn%26#39;t wear it if it was free - serves no good purpose and looks horrible - it%26#39;s not going to influence the casinos that offer this payout.

Best $3.84 spent

I%26#39;m with bridge it won%26#39;t influence the casino one way or another. However, it might bring awareness to the casual b/j player to comprehend good and bad payouts a bit.

How did I know bridge would be the first to respond! haa how funny..

You just rather keep that broom in your u know what...

Like you said, I like it and that%26#39;s all that matters.. Plus people ask me all the time what does that mean, so it educates people at the same time.

There are no dress codes in Vegas. Wear whatever you feel comfortable wearing. lol

It%26#39;s not like I go to the clubs with a big button!!! I just wear it for giggles.. Im not trying to influence casino%26#39;s.. Jeeeez..

You were your ';crocs'; ';fanny bag'; ';flip flops'; ';sunscreen on your nose'; ';long white socks'; ';high shorts'; ';jimmy buffet Hawaii shirts'; ';camera around your neck';

and i will wear my button every now and then. :)

I think you would get more attention wearing no 6/5 panties (check out other items offered on lower right side of linked page...........lmao).


The 6/5 players help keep the room rates low. I like it.

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