Monday, December 12, 2011

Wet Republic at MGM

Since Wet Republic appears to be separate from the regular pools, is there is charge to get in and what%26#39;s the big attraction there?

Wet Republic at MGM

You can see the big attractions on their web site:

Yes, there%26#39;s a cover. I understand it varies from event to event and maybe from person to person...there is discussion on the forum about it if you search out the threads.

Wet Republic at MGM

It%26#39;s basically a night club based at a pool. Loud music, snooty bouncers, really hot women with fake boobs. Bunch of zero % body fat riff-raff.

From reading on here, it seems like it is any where from free to $50 to get in. Some people have also said that there is a drink minimum. I guess the attraction is that that they DJs and not everyone can get in(without paying). I will be at the MGM in a few weeks and I will hold off on going unless I get in free, esp. since MGM pools are supposed to be pretty nice.


Go to and search ';wet republic';. There are a few home made videos posted. Not sure if they give an accurate description of an average summer day at the pool. but may give you an idea.

Thanks all. Doesn%26#39;t sound like my kind of place. I%26#39;ll stick to the regular pool area.

You can hear the club music from Wet Republic if you hang by the lazy river. I%26#39;ve seen a lot of peeps leave WR and use the MGM pools to cool off. Nothing looks as attractive as a sweaty club

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