Monday, December 12, 2011


A friend that recently returned from Vegas told me about ';this place'; where they got ';huge'; crepes for around $20. i%26#39;m guessing its somewhere in Paris or maybe the venetian? need help. she doesnt remember the name of the resturant? THANKS :)


could be paris - a few locations.

also other properties have arestaurant serving crepes. we need more info. does it have to be this exact place?


ask your friend to describe the restaurnat/location, that will help.

a friend went to a walk up crepe cafe in the Paris Las Vegas - said they were excellent....just like the ones they got when they were in Paris last year..

doesn%26#39;t have to be exact place, she just said they we%26#39;re really good, and really large. for around $20

LA-girl thanks! that sounds about right.. i think she said something about Crepes being the only thing they serve mainly. i would ask her for more info but she is on her honeymoon :)

La Creperie? anyone been there sound familiar?

La Creperie- almost opposite the entrance to the Paris buffet. We tried them last year and very nice they were too.



thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven%26#39;t been there, but there%26#39;s a %26#39;La Creperie%26#39; in Paris. Go to and click on %26#39;Dining%26#39;. Hope this helps.

don%26#39;t know about the one in Paris hotel but I went to one at the food court in the Fashion Show Mall. Had a chocolate covered strawberry one myself and it was amazing. it was only about 7 bucks for it though. they also had many other types. i think it was near 30 different types of crepes and they didn%26#39;t have just desert crepes. If you can%26#39;t find that place she went to try this one. I loved it myself and the price was well in a small budget range. They also had some kind of bubble tea which was pretty neat. It wasn%26#39;t actually tea it was a slushy with these gel things at the bottom which were tea flavored.

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