Thursday, April 1, 2010

Flight time changes

Early this morning, I checked my e-mails and was informed that my flight time and flight number to Vegas in June had been changed. My flight will leave approximately 40 minutes earlier than originally scheduled(actually not a bad thing because we will be arriving in Vegas a little earlier)! The only bad thing about it is that the airport I am flying out of is 1 1/2 hours away, so I will have to leave my house around 2:45 am or so to arrive at the airport at the suggested check-in time.However, my flight isn%26#39;t until June 15th, so a change already this early probably means that the flight time may be changed again. Has anyone else gone through multiple time/flight number changes and does it stress you out like it is me?

Flight time changes

I received a phone call from the travel agents about an hour ago - bringing forward my flight time by over 4 hours - so I get to Vegas four hours earlier, but lose one my 10 nights because the return flight has been brought forward by a similar amount.

Not happy - The last 4 holidays I have booked (all different destiations and countries) this has happened - it%26#39;s doing my head in.

Flight time changes


Well I have a big flight change for my holidays in May/June with BA but for us it was a bonus. We booked a flight to Atlanta but a return via LA and Atlanta flights were leaving from Gatwick but LA returned to Heathrow. Then about a month after we booked they changed the Atlanta flight to leave from Heathrow, we were so pleased, it now means that we don%26#39;t have to sort out where to leave the car. We have also booked an internal flight with Delta, Atlanta to Las Vegas, so far they have only changed that flight by a few minutes but they did change the aircraft. So the seats we had booked went from being good ones to the worst on the plane, did manage to improve them, then they change the plane again but we left the seating alone this time. We still have 7 weeks to that flight and we are keeping a close eye on that because they could well change it again.


It doesn%26#39;t stress me out, it%26#39;s part of flying these days. The airlines apparently don%26#39;t get their exact take off and landing slots until a few weeks beforehand.

The only time it bothers me is when it leaves me with a short connection time, and I%26#39;ve found the airlines easy to work with when that happens, they will usually move me to another flight without any penalty.

Yes, this happens frequently when booking a flight months out. We are flying Delta on our July trip and have to connect in Atlanta...this is always the case for us using Delta. I try to have at least an hour there for our connection. I checked our reservation yesterday and found that our flight times have changed and we have 35 miniutes to make our connection in Atlanta. Now those of you who have been to ATL know that this can be very challenging for the best of atheletes but a hobbled couple such as us...well...hopefully they will change for the better before the actual trip. I know they (Delta) figure the connection can be made but aside for US, the luggage situation comes into play too.

I got an email from Jet Blue last week saying that my flight out of Vegas in July has been changed. Instead of leaving around 9pm, we are leaving at 11:30pm...So I%26#39;m a little unhappy about it but whatcha gonna do

'; I checked our reservation yesterday and found that our flight times have changed and we have 35 miniutes to make our connection in Atlanta. Now those of you who have been to ATL know that this can be very challenging for the best of atheletes but a hobbled couple such as us...well...hopefully they will change for the better before the actual trip.';

This is the type of situation I was referencing in my post above. You%26#39;re right, they may still change your flight time yet again. But if they haven%26#39;t done that by mid-May, I would call Delta and ask to be changed to a flight with a more reasonable connection time.

They are usually OK with doing it, if they are not, hang up and call back and get another agent who will.

This happened to us last year. The airline (Delta I believe) changed the flight times to leave us with a 20 minute connection time in JFK!!! :0

We ended up having to call the airlines and argue. The first person we got said that 20 minutes was fine. The second person took sympathy and re-routed us!!! Thank goodness!

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