Saturday, March 27, 2010

T-shirt slogan help again please!


I have the t-shirts and I leave for Vegas in 20 days...the only problem is that the post I made is not showing in my profile under forum contributions! I have tried searching %26#39;t-shirt slogan%26#39; in the search box and I can%26#39;t find my post!

If anyone who commented on it has a link would they mind sending it to me?

Thanks so much! xxx

T-shirt slogan help again please!

*bump* if anyone can help please! Thanks x

T-shirt slogan help again please!

Sorry...didn%26#39;t see your post. Sometimes if there is a poster who is inappropriate or the post is not Vegas Travel related, the moderators delete it.

Can you just type a new post? I am not sure I understand what info you are wanting????

I remember that one.

Do you remember the approximate date? Click on your username in this post and you will get a list of all your posts. Since you only have about 300 you can review the list and figure out which one it was.

Yeh it was at the end of January but for some reason it is not in my list of posts! So annoying as I was given so many good ideas and I can%26#39;t find it!

All my other posts are in my %26#39;contributions%26#39; list but not that one! xx

You are right! I just found a link elsewhere to it in my profile and it says the administrators have deleted it! I better start another, whoops!

I remember one suggestion with something about '; Loosest Slots in Town '; ..... :-)

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