Saturday, March 27, 2010

MGM - Tower or West Wing

We will be staying at MGM over Easter, the previous two times we stayed in the Grand Tower section. This time, I thought I would change it up and try the West Wing rooms, however, by reading some of the posts here I might of made a mistake.

Are the West Wings rooms dumpy???

Thanks for your advise

MGM - Tower or West Wing

Not dumpy at all. It%26#39;s just that they are about 100sf smaller, and a wall divides the bathroom and bedroom, instead of a seperate room. And they practically have no window view.

BUT, they have all been remodeled.

They%26#39;re ';cozy';. =)

MGM - Tower or West Wing

Well, the West Wing rooms are smaller than the average bear..i mean, room, and despite the makeover with new beds and gadgets, it is actually the oldest rooms in MGM, dating back to the Marina days. I would stick to Grand Tower or spring for a suite.

Low covered it pretty well. The ';West Wing'; rooms are the last vestige of the former Marina Hotel which was built in the 1970s. When MGM Grand was built they basically just swallowed the Marina and left its rooms and hallways intact. Since then of course the rooms have been totally remodeled, but underneath the decor and furnishings they are the same small Marina rooms. People seem to either love them or hate them, but most of us think it%26#39;s ridiculous that MGM charges extra for them.

Thank you all so far,

My parents are getting their room ';on the house';

and I am only paying $49/nite

Maybe I%26#39;ll ask if a suite is available at check in.

Our ';view'; from the Tower last year was of the roof top!!!

A little odd that the bathroom is not a separate room

My suggestion is get a Grand Tower room, or upgrade to Bungalow or Spa suite at checkin.

MGM considers the West Wing an upgrade because it%26#39;s been renovated. If you and your parents want a view, get the Grand Tower.

I%26#39;ve had the roof view, too, lol. Even in a Hollywood Suite. No biggie for me, but ask for the highest room possible for better views. (Also ask for stripview)

Spa suites and others can be way down a long hallway, so if your parents have any mobility problems, make sure the checkin person knows this.

Enjoy your stay at the green monster!

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